- Constantinos Balamoshev – SB V 8754: Apostoloi, antapostoloi, and the Ptolemaic grain transport
- Tomasz Barański – The Arabic text of SPP VIII 1198 and its significance for the study of Arabisation of the Egyptian administration
- Lajos Berkes & Naïm Vanthieghem – Matar and metron in papyri: The Greek origin of an Arabic measure
- Anne Boud’hors – The Coptic ostraca of the Theban hermitage MMA 1152.3. Exercises (O. Gurna Górecki 97-161)
- Lucia C. Colella – P. Vindob. inv. G 13753 recto e verso: Due documenti del dossier di Aurelia Demetria alias Ammonia
- Karol Kłodziński – An equestrian procurator’s ‘unequal colleague’? Reinterpreting the career of the imperial freedman Ulpius Paean
- Grzegorz Ochała – Nubica onomastica miscellanea IV. Notes on and corrections to personal names found in Old Nubian documents from Qasr Ibrim
- Przemysław Piwowarczyk – Microtheologies behind the Biblical amulets: Six case studies
- Angelina Troiano – Sul Fragmentum Riccardi e la Lex Aelia Sentia in TH2 89
- Jakub Urbanik – Józef inter gentes: On status and law between the centre and periphery
- Marzena Wojtczak – ‘Legal representation’ of monastic communities in late antique papyri