- Hardcover
- 292 pages
JJP 41 (2011)
50,00 € inc. VAT
- From the Editors, 7-10
- In Memoriam Hanna Szymańska (1944-2010), 11-14
- Constantinos Balamoshev – Ἀποτυμπανισμός: Just Death by Exposing on the Plank?, 15-34
- Amin Benaissa & Nikolaos Gonis – Documentary Fragments from Upper Egypt in the Hunterian Museum, 35-44
- Yanne Broux – Ὁ τοῦ: an Alternative for the Greek Patronymic in Egypt?, 45-58
- Radosław Gawroński – Dura Europos ‘Shield Map’ and Expedition of Gordian III against the Persians, 59-66
- Marcin Kotyl – Due papiri tolemaici di Giessen (P. Iand. inv. 333 e P. Iand. inv. 438), 67-78
- Adam Łukaszewicz – Caesar in Alexandria. Fragmentary Latin Dipinti Discovered at Kom el-Dikka, 79-92
- Andrzej Mirończuk – P. Oxy. xvii 2099: Evidence of an Early Split in the Tradition of Herodotus’ Text?, 93-102
- Maria Nowak – Mancipatio and Its Life in Late-Roman Law, 103-122
- Jakub Urbanik – A Broken Marriage Promise and Justinian as a Lover of Chastity. On Novela 74 and P. Cairo Masp. I 67092 (ad 553), 123-152
- Jacques van der Vliet & Klaas A. Worp – A Multiplication Table on a Tablet in Leiden, 153-158
- Ewa Wipszycka – Resources and Economic Activities of the Egyptian Monastic Communities (4th–8th Century), 159-264
- Bartosz Wojciechowski – The Old Nubian ‘Eparchal Archive’ from Qasr Ibrim Reconsidered, 256-292
From the Editors | |
In memoriam Hanna Szymańska (1944-2010) | |
’Αποτνμπανιδμσμός : just death by exposing on the plank? | |
Documentary fragments from Upper Egypt in the Hunterian Museum | |
‘Ο τον : an alternative for the Greek patronymic in Egypt? | |
Dura Europos ‘shield map’ and expedition of Gordian III against the Persians | |
Due papiri tolemaici di Giessen (P. Iand. inv. 333 e P. Iand. inv. 438) | |
Caesar in Alexandria : fragmentary Latin dipinti discovered at Kom el-Dikka | |
P. Oxy XVII 2099 : evidence of an early split in the tradition of Herodotus’ text? | |
Manicipatio and its life in Late-Roman law | |
A broken marriage promise and Justinian as a lower of chastity : on Novela 74 and P. Cairo Masp. I 67092 (AD 553) | |
A multiplication table on a tablet in Leiden | |
Resources and economic activities of the Egyptian monastic communities (4th-8th century) | |
The Old Nubian ‘Eparchal Archive’ from Qasr Ibrim reconsidered |