- Hard cover
- 308 pages
- ISBN not assigned
- ISSN 0075-4277
JJP 37 (2007)
50,00 € inc. VAT
- From the Editors, 7
- In memoriam Tomasz Mikocki (1954–2007), 9-14
- Amin Benaissa, Two Notes on Demosiois Documents, 15-20
- Mark Depauw, The Use of Mothers’ Names in Ptolemaic Documents. A Case of Greek-Egyptian Influence, 21-30
- Gertrud Dietze-Mager, Der Erwerb der Römischen Bürgerrechts in Ägypten. Legionare und Veteranen, 31-124
- Nikolaos Gonis, Recent News from Flavius Magistor & Sons, 125-134
- Adam Łajtar, New Finds of Funerary Inscriptions in Banganarti (Christian Nubia), 135-152
- Adam Łajtar, Epigraphic Notes and Records, 153-164
- Adam Łukaszewicz, Orestes in a Temple, 165-176
- Gesa Schenke, Kinderschenkungen an das Kloster des Apa Thoma(s)?, 177-184
- Jacques van der Vliet, Exit Tamer, Bishop of Faras (SB v 8728), 185-192
- Joachim Hengstl, Literaturübersicht 2002–2004 (Teil I), 193-294
- Review of a Book
- Hélène CUVIGNY, Ostraca de Krokodilô. La correspondance militaire et sa circulation. O. Krok. 1–151. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice, II (= Institut français d ’archéologie orientale. Fouilles de l ’IFAO 51), Le Caire 2005 [Tadeusz Sarnowski], 295-300
- The Journal of Juristic Papyrology and Its Supplements, 301-308
From the Editors | |
In memoriam Tomasz Mikocki (1954-2007) | |
Two notes on ‘demosiosis’ documents | |
The use of mothers’ names in Ptolemaic documents : a case of Greek-Egyptian influence? | |
Der Erwerb der Römischen Bürgerrechts in Ägypten : Legionare und Veteranen | |
Recent news from Flavius Magistor & Sons | |
New finds of funerary inscriptions in Banganarti (Christian Nubia) | |
Epigraphic notes and records | |
Orestes in a temple | |
Kinderschenkungen an das Kloster des Apa Thoma(s)? | |
Exit Tamer, bishop of Faras (SB V 8728) | |
Juristische Literaturübersicht 2002-2004 : (mit Nachträgen aus der vorausgegangenen Zeit) | |
“Ostraca de Krokodilô. La correspondance militaire et sa circulation. O. Krok, 1-151. Praesidia du désert de Bérénice”, Hélène Cuvigny, Le Caire 2005 : [recenzja] | |
“The Journal of Juristic Papyrology” and its supplements. |