JJP 16-17 (1971)

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  • Soft cover
  • 261 pages
  • No ISBN assigned



  • P. W. Pestman — Loans Bearing No Interest? 7-29
  • Anna Swiderek — The Land-Register of the Phernouphitou Toparchy in the Mendesian Nome, 31-44
  • Anna Swiderek — Ioudaikos logos, 45-62
  • J. F. Gilliam — The Sale of a Slave through a Greek Diploma, 63-70
  • Elemer Pólay — Der Status Civitatis, der Ursprung und die Berufe der in den siebenbürgischen Wachstafeln vorkommenden Personen, 71-83
  • Henryk Kupiszewski — Le droit hellénistique dans le “Nomos georgikos”, 85-98
  • P. J. Sijpesteijn — Einige Ostraka der Giessener Ostrakasammlung, 99-104
  • Ewa Wipszycka — Les reçus d’impôts et le bureau des comptes des pagarchies aux VIe-VIIe siècles, 105-116
  • Ewa Wipszycka — Les impôts professionnels et la structure de 1’industrie dans I’Egypte romaine. A propos de la “kope trichos”, 117-130
  • Zbigniew Borkowski — Toll-Receipts for “hekatoste, r kai n” and “ermophylakia” from Berlin, 131-139
  • N. N. Pikus — Situation. sociale des travailleurs d’huileries dans 1’Egypte hellénistique au IIIe s.a.n.e., 141-158Hanna Geremek — P. Iandana 99: Italian Wines in Egypt, 159-171
  • Survey — Survey of Papyri (The Oxyrhynchus Papyri, Parts XXIX, XXX, XXXI, XXXII; Papyrus de la Sorbonne; Himne à la Verge Maria, “Psalmus Responsorius”; Papyri Milanesi [P. Med.]), [by Anna Swiderek], 173-189
  • Survey — Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Staatlichen Museen Berlin (B.G.U. XI, 1), [by Zbigniew Borkowski], 189-193
  • Survey — Survey of Soviet Papyrology and Related Disciplines II, by I. F. Fikhman, 195-207
  • Book Review — Günther Häge — Ehegüterrechtliche Verhältnisse in den griechischen Papyri Ägyptens bis Diokletian. Graezistische Abhandlungen. Herausgegeben von H. J. Wolff. Bd. 3., Köln–Graz 1968 [by G. Hübsch], 209-211
  • Book Review — Heinz Heinen — Rom und Ägypten von 51 bis 47 v. Chr., Tübingen 1966 [by Anna Swiderek], 211-212
  • Book Review — Jacqueline Lallemand — L’administration civile de 1’Egypte de l’avènement de Dioclétien à la création du diocése (284-382), Bruxelle 1964 [by Ewa Wipszycka], 213-217
  • Book Review — Itskhok F. Fikhman, — Egipet na rubeje dvukh epokh. Remeslenniki i remeslennyi trud v IV – seredine VII v. (L’Egypte entre deux époques. Artisans et travail artisanal du 1 Ve au milieu du VIIe siècle). Moskva, 1965 [by Ewa Wipszycka], 217-236
  • Book Review — Richard Haase — Einführung in das Studium keilschriftlicher Rechtsquellen. Wiesbaden 1965 [by Cezary Kunderewicz, 236-238
  • Book Review — Pierre Vidal-Naquet — Le bordereau d’ensemencement dans 1’Egypte ptolémaïque. Bruxelles 1967 [by Marta Piątkowska], 238-240
  • Book Review — Lexikon der alten Welt. Herausgegeben von Carl Andersen, Hartmut Erbse, Olof Gigon, Karl Schefold, Karl Friedrich Stroheker, Ernst Zinn. Redaktion: Klaus Bartels und Ludwig Huber. Zürich–Stuttgart 1965 [by Joseph Georg Wolf], 240-251
  • Book Review — Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik, herausgegeben von L. Koenen und R. Merkelbach, Bonn, R. Habelt Verlag. Vol. I fasc.1 (1967) – Vol. IV fasc. 1 (1969) [by Zbigniew Borkowski], 251-253
  • Obituary — In memoriam Otto Oskarovich Krüger [by I. F. Fikhman], 255-257
  • Obituary — In memoriam Peter Viktorovich Jernstedt [by I. F. Fikhman], 257-260


Loans bearing no interest?
The land-register of the Φερνoυφιτoυ toparchy in the Mendesian nome
Ιoυδaιϰόϛ λόγoϛ
The sale of a slave through a Greek ‘diploma’
Der ‘status civitatis’, der Ursprung und die Berufe der in den siebenbürgischen Wachstafeln vorkommenden Personen
Le droit hellénistique dans le Nóμoς γεωργιϰóς?
Einige Ostraka der Giessener Ostrakasammlung
Les reçus d’impôts et le bureau des comptes des pagarchies aux VIe-VIIe siècles
Les impôts professionnels et la structure de l’industrie dans l’Egypte romaine. A propos de la ϰoπή τριχóς
Toll-receipts for έϰατoστή, ρ ϰαí ν and έρημoφυλαϰíα from Berlin
Situation sociale des travailleurs d’huileries dans l’Egypte hellénistique au IIIe s. avant notre ere
P. Iandana 99 : Italian wines in Egypt
“The Oxyrhynchus Papyri”, Part XXIX, ed. by D. Page, London 1963 ; “The Oxyrhynchus Papyri”, Part XXX”, ed. with notes by E. Lobel, London 1964 ; “The Oxyrhynchus Papyri”, Part XXXI, ed. with translations and notes by J. W. B. Barns [et al.], London 1966 ; “The Oxyrhynchus Papyri”, Part XXXII, ed. with notes by E. Lobel, London 1967: [recenzja]
“Papyrus de la Sorbonne (P. Sorb. I)”, Hélène Cadell, Paris 1966 : [recenzja]
“Himne a la Verge Maria, ‘Psalmus Responsorius’, Papir llati del segle IV”, R. Roca-Puig, Barcelona 1965 : [recenzja]
“Papiri Milanesi”, Nos 1-12, a cura di Sergio Daris, Milano 1967 ; “Papiri Milanesi”, Nos 13-87, a cura di Sergio Daris, Milano 1966 : [recenzja]
“Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Staatlichen Museen Berlin. Griechische Urunden (B.G.U. XI, 1)”, XI Bd., 1. H., ed. by Herwig Maehler, Berlin 1966 : [recenzja]
“Aleksandriya. Roman ob Aleksandre Makedonskom po russkoi rukopisi XV veka = Alexandria. The Romance on Alexander of Macedonia after a Russian Manuscript from the 15th cent.”, Moscow 1965 : [recenzja]
“Afiny i Severnoye Prichernomor’e v VI-II vv. do n.e. = Athens and the Northern Black Sea Coast in the 6th to 2nd cent. B.C.”, I. B. Brashinskii, Moscow 1963 : [recenzja]
“Argonavtika = Argonautica”, Apollonii Rodosskii, transl., introduction and notes by G. Ph. Zereteli, Tbilisi 1964 : [recenzja]
“Pamyati uchitelya = In memoriam magistri”, I. D. Amusin, M. N. Botvinnik, L. M. Gluskina, “VDI”, 1965, nr 1 : [recenzja]
“Istoriya drevnego mira = The History of the Ancient World”, ed. V. N. Dyakov, S. I. Κovalev, Moscow 1962 : [recenzja]
“Nekotoryye voprosy khozyaistvennoi deyatelnosti remeslennykh korporacii pozdnerimskogo Egipta = Some Problems of the Economic Activities of Guilds in Late Roman Egypt”, I. F. Fikhman, “VDI”, 1965, nr 3 : [recenzja]
“Survey of Soviet Papyrology”, I. F. Fikhman, “JJP”, XV, 1965 : [recenzja]
“K voprosu o korporativnoi vzaimopomoshchi v vizantiiskom Egipte = A Contribution to the Problem of Mutual Assistance in the Guilds of Byzantine Egypt”, I. F. Fikhman, “JJP”, XV, 1965 : [recenzja]
“Remeslenniki pozdnerimskogo Egipta po dannym grecheskikh papirusov = The Craftsman of Late Roman Egypt after the Data of the Greek Papyri”, I. F. Fikhman, Leningrad-Moscow 1964 : [recenzja]
“K voprosu o trekh fazakh v razvitii egipetskikh patrotsiniev = A Contribution to the Problem of Three Phases in the Development of Egyptian Patrocinia”, I. F. Fikhman, “VDI”, 1966, nr 1 : [recenzja]
“Egipet na rubezhe dvukh epokh. Remeslenniki i remeslennyi trud v IV-seredine VII v. = Egypt on the Confines of Two Epochs. The Craftsmen and the Craftsmen’s Work in the 4th to the Middle of the 7th cent.”, I. F. Fikhman, Moscow 1965 : [recenzja]
“Pistsy drevnego Egipta = The Scribes of Ancient Egypt”, Μ. Α. Korostovtsev, Moscow 1962 : [recenzja]
“Antichnyye pisateli o Nubii = Ancient Writers on Nubia”, I. S. Katsnelson, “Palestinskii Sbornik”, 7 [70], 1962 : [recenzja]
“Vvedeniye v egipetskuyu filologiyu = An Introduction to Egyptian Philology”, Μ. Α. Κorοstοvtsev, Moscow 1963 : [recenzja]
“Egipetskoye proiskhozhdeniye romana ob Aleksandre = The Egyptian Origin of the Romance on Alexander”, Μ. Α. Κorοstοvtsev, [w:] “The Short Reports of the Institute of the Peoples of Asia, 65. Studies in Memoriam Ε. Ε. Bertels”, Moscow 1964 : [recenzja]
“Korpus bosporskikh nadpisei = Corpus Inscriptionum Regni Bosporani CIRB”, ed. V. V. Struve [et al.], Moscow-Leningrad 1965 : [recenzja]
“Egiptyane drevniye i sovremennyye = The Ancient and the Contemporary Egyptians”, M. A. Korostovtsev, “VDI”, 1966, nr 1 : [recenzja]
“Neizdannyye papirusy i drugiye teksty Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha = Unedited Papyri and Other Texts of the State Hermitage”, O. O. Krüger, M. G. Βystrikονa, “VDI”, 1964, nr 2 : [recenzja]
“Neizdannyye papirusy i drugiye teksty Gosudarstvennogo Ermitazha = Unedited Papyri and Other Texts of the State Hermitage”, O. O. Krüger, M. G. Βystrikοva, “VDI”, 1964, nr 2 : [recenzja]
“Do pitaniya pro pokhozhdeniya gretskogo folkloru v ellenistichnomu Egipti = A Contribution to the Question of Origin of Greek Folklore in Hellenistic Egypt”, V. P. Maslyuk, “Lvivskii Derzhavnii Universitet im. Iv. Franka. Pitaniya klassichnoi filologii”, 1963, fasc. 3 : [recenzja]
“Vidlyudnik = Dyscolos”, Menander, transl. by A. O. Sodomory, Lviv 1962 : [recenzja]
“The State of the Ptolemies”, N. N. Pikus, [w:] “History of Ancient Greece”, Moscow 1962 : [recenzja]
“Epigrammy = Epigrams”, Pallad Aleksandriiskii, transl. and commentary Yu. S. Schultz, “Vizantiiski Vremennik”, XXIV, 1964 : [recenzja]
“Prorotstvo goncharia ta yudeiska prorocha literatura = The Oracle of the Potter and the Judaic Prophetic Literature”, V. P. Maslyuk, “Lvivskii Derzhavnii Universitet im. Iv. Franka. Pitaniya klassichnoi filologii”, 1963, fasc. 3 : [recenzja]
“Defensor civitatis”, K. I. Novitskaya, “VDI”, 1965, no 2 : [recenzja]
“L’esclavage dans l’Egypte hellénistique”, Ν. Ν. Pikus, [w:] “Actes du X Congrès International de Papyrologie. Varsovie-Cracovie, 3-9 septembre 1961”, Wrocław-Warszawa-Kraków 1964 : [recenzja]
“Pamyatka gretsko-egipetskogo folkloru – oksirynkhskii papirus no. 2332 = A Relic of the Greco-Egyptian Folklore – the Papyrus no. 2332 from Oxyrhynchus”, V. P. Maslyuk, “Lvivskii Derzhavnii Universitet im. Iv. Franka. Pitaniya klassichnoi filologii”, 1963, fasc. 3 : [recenzja]
“A review of the book of A. Świderek entitled “W państwie Apolloniosa. Społeczeństwo wczesnoptolemejskie w świetle archiwum Zenona” = “In the Estate of Apollonios. The Early Ptolemaic Society in the Light of the Archive of Zenon”, Warsaw 1959″, A. P. Smotrich, “VDI”, 1964, nr 3 : [recenzja]
“Gerond i Ptolemei II Filadelf = Herodas and Ptolemy II Philadelphus”, A. P. Smotrich, “VDI”, 1962, nr 1 : [recenzja]
“Import Aleksandrii v Severnom Prichernomor’e = Alexandrian Imports in the Northern Black Sea Region”, I. G. Shurgaya, “VDI”, 1965, nr 4 : [recenzja]
“Istoriya drevnei Gretsii = The History of Ancient Greece”, V. S. Sergeyev, Moscow 1963 : [recenzja]
“Sledy vliyaniya ellenisticheskikh kultov v Severnom Prichernomor’e = The Traces of Influence of the Hellenistic Cults in the Northern Black Sea Region”, S. P. Ρotοtskii, “Palestinskii Sbornik”, fasc. 9 [72], 1962 : [recenzja]
“Papirus z Oksyrynchos nr 2506 i Palinodia Stezychora = The Papyrus no. 2506 from Oxyrhynchus and the Palinode of Stesichorus”, A. P. Smotriсh, “Meander”, XX, 1965 : [recenzja]
“Nekotoryye aspekty sotsialnogo razvitiya Drevnego Vostoka = Some Aspects of the Social Development of the Ancient Orient”, V. V. Struνe, “Voprosy Istorii”, 1965, nr 5 : [recenzja]
“Rol’ grekov v epokhu Ptolemeya I na osnovanii demoticheskikh papirusov GMII im. A. S. Pushkina = The Role of the Greeks in the Epoch of Ptolemy I according to the Evidence of the Demotic Papyri of A. S. Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts”, V. V. Struve, [w:] “The Philology and History of the Foreign Countries of Asia and Africa”, Leningrad 1965 : [recenzja]
“Geografiya v 17 knigakh = Geography in Seventeen Books”, Strabon, a transl., essay and commentary by G. A. Stratanovskii ; general ed. S. L. Utсhenко ; ed. of the translation O. O. Krüger, 1964 : [recenzja]
“Sotsialno-ekonomicheskiye osobennosti ellenisticheskikh gosudarstv = The Social and Economic Peculiarities of the Hellenistic States”, I. S. Sventsitskaya, Moscow 1963 : [recenzja]
“Iz istorii ellenisticheskoy ekonomiki. Κ voprosu o torgovoy konkurentsii Bospora i Egipta v III v. do n.e. = From the History of Hellenistic Economics. A Contribution to the Problem of Commercial Competition between the Bosporus and Egypt in the 3rd cent. B.C.”, M. K. Trofimova, “VDI”, 1961, nr 2 : [recenzja]
“Obshchiny Egipta i Shumera i obshchiny Indii = The Communities of Egypt and Sumer and the Communities of India”, V. V. Struve, “Vestnik Leningradskogo Universiteta”, XVIII, 1965, no 20 : [recenzja]
“Oksirinkskaya didaskalia k tetralogii Eskhila o Danaidakh (P. Oxy. 2256, fr. 3) = The Oxyrhynchite Didascalia to the Tetralogy of Aeschylus on the Danaids (P. Oxy. 2256, fr. 3)”, I. Μ. Τrοnskii, “VDI”, 1957, nr 2 : [recenzja]
“Iz istorii ideologii II veka n.e. = From the Ideology of the 2nd cent. A.D.”, M. K. Trofimova, “VDI”, 1961, nr 4 : [recenzja]
“Leksika satirovskikh dram Eskhila – Κ voprosu o stilisticheskoi kharakteristike janra = The Wording of the Satyric Drama of Aeschylus – A Contribution to the Problem of Stylistic Characterization of the Genre”, V. N. Yarkho, “Izvestiya Akademii Nauk SSSR. Series of literature and language”, XXII, 1963, no 6 : [recenzja]
“Delfskiye manumissii kak istochnik po istorii rabstva v Gretzii = The Delphic Manumissions as Sources on the History of Slavery in Greece”, Κ. Κ. Zel’in, [w:] “The Conference on the Study of the Problems of Antiquity, 9-14 April 1964, Leningrad, The Theses and Reports”, Moscow 1964 : [recenzja]
“Gimn Dioskura Alkmana = The Hymn of Dioscurus of Alcman”, Α. I. Zaitsev, [w:] “The Language and Style of the Writers of Antiquity”, Leningrad 1966 : [recenzja]
“Polozheniye rabov v Vizantii VI v. – preimushchestvenno po dannym zakonodatelstva Iustiniana = The Situation of the Slaves in Byzantium in the 6th Century – Chiefly on the Data of the Legislation of Justinian”, Ζ. V. Udaltsονa, “Vizantiiskii Vremennik”, XXIV, 1964 : [recenzja]
“Novyye publikatsii papirusov po istorii Egipta i Sirii s kontsa III do nachala VIII v.n.e. = New Publications of the Papyri Concerning the History of Egypt and Syria from the End of the 3rd to the Beginning of the 8th cent. A.D.”, Κ. Κ. Zel’in, “VDI”, 1964, nr 4 : [recenzja]
“Delfiiskiye manumissii kak istochnik po istorii rabstva v Gretzii v ellenisticheskuyu epokhu = The Delphic Manumissions in Greece as a Source on the History of Slavery in Greece in the Hellenistic Epoch”, Κ. Κ. Zel’in, “VDI”, 1965, nr 3 : [recenzja]
“Ehegüterrechtliche Verhältnisse in den griechischen Papyri Ägyptens bis Diokletian. Graezistische Abhandlungen”, Günther Häge, hrsg. von H. J. Wolff, Köln-Graz 1968 : [recenzja]
“Rom und Ägypten von 51 bis 47 v. Chr. “, Heinz Heinen, Tübingen 1966 : [recenzja]
“L’administration civile de l’Egypte de l’avènement de Dioclétien à la création du diocèse”, Jacqueline Lallemand, Bruxelles 1964 : [recenzja]
“Egipet na rubeje dvukh epokh. Remeslenniki i remeslennyi trud v IV – seredine VII v. (L’Egypte entre deux époques. Artisans et travail artisanal du IVe au milieu du VIIe siècle)”, Itskhok Fiselevitch Fikhman, Moskva 1965 : [recenzja]
“Einführung in das Studium keilschriftlicher Rechtsquellen”, Richard Haase, Wiesbaden, 1965 : [recenzja]
“Le bordereau d’ensemencement dans l’Egypte ptolémaïque”, Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Bruxelles 1967 : [recenzja]
“Lexikon der alten Welt”, hrsg. von Carl Andersen, Hartmut Erbse, Olof Gigon, Karl Schefold, Karl Friedrich Stroheker, Ernst Zinn, Zürich-Stuttgart 1965 : [recenzja]
“Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik”, Vol. I, 1967, fasc. 1 – Vol. IV, 1969, fasc. 1 : [recenzja]
In memoriam Otto Oskarovich Krüger
In memoriam Peter Viktorovich Jernstedt
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